Monday, October 14, 2013

Personal Reflections

This is a small departure from the normal style of this blog. Really spent a long time internally debating if this should be posted here or on The Power Exchange. Still not at all certain where it belongs, but since it has more to do with me as a person and not the slave, this place seemed to be a better fit.

I can't watch movies or tv shows about September 11, 2001. I can't bring myself to relive in anyway the pain of that day or the weeks that followed.

It's interesting, to me because on December 8, 1941, then president Franklin D Roosevelt addressed congress calling the attacks on Pearl Harbor, "A day that will live in infamy." To me, it's a note in a history book or something my grandfather refused to speak about. I asked him once, while planning an exciting -- at least to me -- trip to Europe, if he'd ever want to return, he answered no. He'd seen enough of Europe on D-Day.

In November of 1963, the young president John F Kennedy was assisinated, and for the longest time, you could ask anyone older than myself, where you were when Kennedy was shot. It was that generation's memory and probably loss of innocence. In that odd way, both December 7, 1941 and November 22, 1963 were both a loss of simplicity. Yes better days in the 1950s were certainly ahead, but in retrospect it wss fleeting and never meant to last. That generation, already hardened by the great depression was asked to give more during the war, followed by an new era of hope, squandered in Dallas. The world became more and more complex.

Still, I can watch movies or documentaries about those times without feeling a connection to them, as will always be the case, newer generations lose that -- or perhaps it's just an American thing? Grandchildren of residents of the Normandy region of France still welcome servicemen who fought for their freedom. Although those numbers are fast dwindling.

September 11 is different, at least for me. I wss born the year construction on the twin towers began. When I realized it, they had been built and destroyed in my lifetime it hurt me. It hurt all of us. There was a strong sense of disbelief that shook off whatever semblance of Arcadian upbringing that was left over from Watergate, Patty Hearst, Jonestown, Columbine, and Oklahoma City. It wss like there wasn't anything left.

A strong loss of national confidence -- not confidence in the government, but in the collective consciousness of its people. We don't trust anymore. It's like we wont allow ourselves to be led down an uncertain path. Maybe this is the reason we seem to have so many troubles in our country today? We have forgotten how to trust. We can only see the shadows of people we meet along way, and rarely the layers that lay beneath them. In order to trust, we need to connect with them, but the wires are frayed and exposed to the elements. Outwardly, we smile, make the polite small talk but under those now protective layers, we are naked, scared and oh so very bitter.

I'm not bookish, but there are several lines from a book I once read years ago that resonated with me and haunt me today. I read the book not as an assignment in school, but by choice. I wanted, no I needed to understand why John Lennon was shot. How could a simple work of fiction inspire people to kill, or attempt to. I admit, I didn't care much for the book save for probably one insignificant paragraph. Maybe this is the lesson we must try to remember.

“Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them—if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry.”

― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

Maybe we need to tell our stories, even if they're painful. The visceral reaction to tragedy, even when we know it hurts we need to share. Even when we leave a little a poison of our pain behind, we need to tell about it, so maybe others won't forget it.



  1. mouse: It's interesting to me that you quoted 'The Catcher in the Rye'. I've been dwelling a bit on the great power of that novel lately and I think it relates to the fact that Holden is a character we find ourselves caring about a great deal and he speaks to us in such a personal way, as if we're right there with him. But Holden doesn't really know his readers. He's from fiction after all. So, this is Salinger talking to us through Holden. Those lines really speak to each and every one of us, don't they? They speak of the human condition and they remind us that we are not alone and also that the doubts we have have been had by so many people before us, and that our children may some day have the same doubts. Yet, there is this force of good in the world that means that people help people as well as hurt people and that's a comforting thought. It is only a few days ago that I came across someone's (kinky) writing wherein they expressed their great loss on the day of the Twin Tower bombings, which really hit home for me. Spielberg talked of making 'Schindler's List' so that "we will never forget" and you are so right that we will always need stories. It is what we relate to, the way we learn and the way that truth is passed down from one generation to the other. Thanks for the very fine read.

  2. All very true vesta. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.


  3. I'm a person who is emotion first, "logical thought" second and fits the 'highly sensitive person' definitions pretty well.
    You're not alone in this...I can't watch those type of documentaries either, at least not without feeling very upset...or feeling a cascade of emotions.
    There is, in my opinion, nothing wrong with having stronger reactions than the norm--for me sometimes, its just how I channel it all. I think its a responsibility for the generations past to tell their stories and for us to learn from them.

    Also, from experience....if I find myself being a little more open and vulnerable in my life on one or two areas...Its like my desensitization filters are truly gone and I'm more sensitive/emotional to other the upsetting documentaries will hit me even harder at those times. Thoughtful post, Mouse.

  4. Hello mouse,
    I rarely speak of September 11th not because I find it difficult to but rather because I find most people are exceptionally sensitive about the topic. I do not downplay the tragedy that occurred that day. Thousands of people died, panic and fear raped a country and still does. Like many people my heart broke a little on that day and the scary truth that devastation can happen anywhere became a far too personal reality. That day is a very sad moment in history and I have compassion for those who were directly impacted and for those who felt the pain from a distance.

    With that said, in the history of this world, September 11th is not the most tragic of terrors that have occurred. There are thousands of people murdered, raped, brutalized every year, on different continents, in different countries and yet so few pay attention to those travesties. This is not a competition though and when I make such statements I do not do so to take away the grief of September 11th but rather to show the perseverance of the human spirit, that even though there is sadness everywhere, extreme sadness, we continue.

    Fear in the right moment acts as a defence mechanism that keeps us safe. Irrational fear, fear that is fed to us through television, through ignorance, is not and I believe that is what keeps September 11th as a continual dark shadow, that fear is what holds people back from healing and rejoicing in the life we have rather than dwelling on the world we had.

    Tragedy will forever exist, we require it for balance. What happened in New York was horrible; however, it was a single moment in time, no different than any other painful moment and I believe it would be best for everyone to remind themselves of that and to look at all the joy we experience, all the love that continues to flourish throughout this planet.

    We, as a species, nestle into melancholy when we would be better suited to nuzzle into joy. If only we told our stories, exhaled and moved forward I think we would be a happier people, we would have less fear and more tolerance. We would not hold onto what once was, we would instead reach out for what has yet to come.


  5. My little one recently went through a tough time-I was afraid of how she would react to the hurt. She idolized someone, and after the person walked out on her-her godmother-she appeared to try to hold on my imitating VRs behaviors. Then one day she stopped and said, " I never want to be someone that can hurt people so easily. I use to think she was just fun and silly, and she did what she wanted. But now I think that is not who I want to be." My ten year old was more responsible than VR was-that is why I thought that she would be good for her. Little one is too grown up. Point is- these things can open our eyes to what we don't want to be. When we recognize the harm we can cause others-we can re-evaluate who we are. I suppose we all should take time to look at these things-check ourselves, make changes, and go forward. I am thankful to know that there are people who can feel the deeper things, and be changed by them. <3
